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Fantastic Host with Great Topics
Paul is a great host and he asks great questions. His topics are really helpful for those in the REI space. If you want to improve your marketing efforts then this podcast is for you!

I learn so much from this show!
Paul is a fantastic hosts and I get so much valuable info from the guests he brings on! He really know what people are looking for and how to give it to them!

Wow! There’s a lot of nuggets in this podcast!
This podcast goes beyond surface-level advice, providing actionable insights that cut through the noise and drive real results. Paul's expert guidance and actionable advice help listeners become 'brandtastic.' From Chris Cownden & Team Capsho

Paul is not only interested, he’s interesting! If you want to build your brand you won’t want to kiss this podcast!

An insightful podcast that I just can’t get enough of!

Highly recommend!
Personally Brandtastic has quickly become a favorite in my feed! I'm consistently impressed by the engaging conversations, insightful content, and actionable ideas. I truly learn something every time I listen!

Just really easy and practical tips
Paul is thorough without complicating stuff. I really enjoy his style of podcast and I feel like I can understand what he’s saying and easily apply it! 100% of what you want in a podcast, right? Also, his guests are top notch!

Hard to find info, great tips that you can’t just google!
Great tips here, listen to this to avoid the mistakes that you’ll later be trying to figure out how to fix if you don’t avoid them from the content here as a real estate investor!

This is what you need
Listening to Paul breakdown all of the steps to get my brand out there for people to find it is great. Thank you!

Insightful! Marketing is not the same as personal branding
Paul had interviewed many amazing experts on his show! I have dived into personal branding as a speaker and advisor myself. Yet every episode I picked up something new that I can apply to my practices.

Very Insightful
One of the episodes that stands out for me was when Paul had Jen Du Plessis on the show where the latter talked about her strategies for working less, and they discussed the core values of business and personal brand. It was impactful and highlighted the importance of working on purpose while having the time of your life with loved ones. Really love how the podcast is focused around valuable insights and strategies on personal branding. Exceptional.

So much passion!
Paul set the bar for a deep-dive interview, and we loved it! You can immediately see the passion he has for giving his audience information and advice that can lead to a more fulfilled business and life. We have many of the same beliefs, and it was such a pleasure to get to know him. He’s dedicated and extremely knowledgeable in his space.

Paul hosts a very professional and to the point show providing techniques to sharpen and enhance your personal brand. It’s clean, sounds good, and most of all it’s informative.

Always worth listening to!
Paul aways has great guests - and I always pick up a nugget or two even if I think I know the subject well.

Such a great show!
This is a podcast that can help you get out of a funk or keep your momentum going! Lot of actionable content comes from Paul’s show. Make this show part of your podcast routine!

Great Insights - Golden Nuggets
Paul provides golden nuggets on every episode. Part of being a successful real estate investor is staying on top of trends and changes in the rental marketplace. Just when I think I have uncovered all there is to know about real estate investment branding Paul delivers new insights.

Really insightful!
Great listen, really enjoyed it 👍

Great insights
If you’re a real estate investor, you need to subscribe to this podcast. Interesting, engaging and chock full of valuable info you can put into practice immediately.

Worth listening to!
Easy to listen to, informative and good, practical advice.

Great information not just for REI
The personal branding information (“What Do People Say About You...” episode) is applicable for anyone who is trying to build up their business. Lots of actionable steps that can be taken easily to generate useful feedback. Looking forward to more episodes!

Very informative and interesting! I love the tag line ‘don’t wait for perfection’!

This is a super educational and easy to listen to podcast, especially if you’re interested in starting your own business or maybe just improving your brand. I highly recommend it as it’s enjoyable and fun to listen to, as well as provides you with valuable business tools!

Great podcast!
Great podcast!

Learned so much great information!!

Great pod
Very informative. As a busy real estate investor, this is my favourite podcast. Cheers Paul 🤙🏼

Great Podcast
Paul has a wonderful voice and delivers information in a logical way that makes it easy to understand complicated business concepts. Thanks

As a young woman starting on my financial career this podcast helped me learn real estate investing!! Definitely would recommend :)

Candid and insightful
Real-life stories, insights and generous learnings. Thank you

Great thinking!
Thank you for sharing your insights about branding. New ways of looking at investing.